Hlífðargleraugu Warrior ESAB
ESABs safety eye wear combines the highest standards of safety and eye protection with excellent features for wearer comfort. This ensures that the eyes are optimally protected during operations. All ESAB spectacles use a Polycarbonate providing protection against impact as well as UV rays, IR rays and visible glare The Origo Spec range of safety spectacles combine a high degree of comfort and protection to the user, and is the new replacement to successful Pro range from ESAB. Available in a variety lens configurations, with the highest optical class and special hard coating on the lens to prevent scratching to the lens.
Vöruflokkur: Öryggisvörur
Tengdar vörur
Tengdar vörur
Hlífðargleraugu WeldOps – ESAB
Suðuermar & Skóhlífar
Tengdar vörur
TIG suðuhanskar T1000/T2000/T3000 – ESAB
Rafsuðuhanskar W1000/2000/3000 – ESAB
Hlífðargleraugu WeldOps – ESAB
Suðusvunta Fronius